As part of our Heart program, Law Father has proudly been able to donate to Wholehearted Orphanage, a family-style environment in which two parents care for 11 children ranging in age from 2-18. Wholehearted Orphanage was opened in 2010 and is located in Fond-Parisien, Haiti, which is 30 miles east of Port au Prince and 8 miles west of the Dominican Republic border.
The older kids stay very active in their community by attending school, church, and sports activities. They are learning about the importance of nutrition first hand with a garden they have on the property, and the balanced meals they eat each day.
The future for the orphanage is exciting. WHO has purchased property in order to expand. The foundation for the security wall is complete, and they are currently fundraising for support to build more family-style homes, a community center, athletic fields, and ultimately the opportunity to help more orphaned children.
Learn more about Wholehearted Orphanage at
You can view a short documentary about Wholehearted Orphanage that Derrick Collins, of our Law Father Multimedia Development department, and his wife Christy produced here:
Mini Documentary: Wholehearted Orphanage from Wild Bridge Films on Vimeo.