For most consumers, they need to see your logo 8-10 times before they start [...]
read more→If you’re going to trial, you need to show AND tell. It’s a [...]
read more→From the 1960s, when the idea for a fault resistant, computer-based method [...]
read more→The annual American Bar Association Techshow is scheduled to take place in [...]
read more→TrialLine, the legal case timeline tool created by LawFather, was made [...]
read more→Legal multimedia company Law Father (Denver, CO) has launched Version 2 of [...]
read more→Page speed load times are a critical factor in determining where your [...]
read more→LawFather founder and president, Travis Luther, was recently interviewed by [...]
read more→On the third episode of the LawFather Podcast, Travis and Leb discuss [...]
read more→Trial is coming up. Your case file contains hundreds of pages of [...]
read more→On the second episode of the LawFather Podcast, Travis and Leb discuss the [...]
read more→New Report: Critical ranking of the best law firm SEO companies. Variable [...]
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