Let’s say you’re going to trial and you have a very strong witness, one whose testimony can make or break your case. After carefully preparing the witness and the questions that will elicit the testimony you want, you take their deposition. During the trial, the key parts of that deposition are read into the court record. But for some reason they don’t seem to have the effect on the jury that you were expecting. That same deposition that was so compelling coming straight from the mouth of the witness isn’t having the same effect when it’s being read in the courtroom. The jury looks bored and disengaged, lost in the dry recounting of data. Lacking the subtle emotional cues your witness displayed when telling their side of the story, that crucial testimony can’t live up to your expectations, and can’t do the job you need it to do.
A Storytelling Species
Human beings are storytelling animals. In fact, there is growing evidence suggesting that storytelling played a biological role in our evolution. You probably know how important stories are from your own personal experience, whether it was being read to as a child (or reading now to your own children) or watching your favorite shows and movies. We are a species naturally drawn to stories.
You also know as an attorney that a trial is often won based on who tells the most convincing story.
When someone is telling us a story, we respond instinctually to small but powerful emotional triggers, whether it’s a look on someone’s face, or whether it’s something in their voice. We are social creatures who have evolved to be very sensitive to these subtle cues. When these triggers aren’t present, we don’t have the same response to incoming information.
The Power of Video
Nothing can tell a story like video does. And with the rise of mobile technology, video is rapidly becoming the most consumed type of online content. It is estimated that 2015 will be the first year that U.S. adult internet users will spend more time consuming online video content than they do consuming online text content.
Video is interesting. It’s engaging. It turns otherwise dry facts into compelling stories. It brings viewers information that’s immediately accessible with minimal effort on their part. That’s why online shoppers who view product videos are 64% more likely to make a purchase than those who don’t.
Chances are, many of those online video consumers are on your jury.
Bring Your Deposition to Life
Inside the courtroom, the benefits of video depositions can be quite pronounced. Video can be far more compelling than a transcript. It captures a witness’s body movements, voice inflections, and emotion, and in this way, it captures a jury’s attention. A well-executed video deposition is able to tell a story and can turn good testimony into great testimony.
Outside the courtroom, a video deposition will also help you better assess how a witness will perform on the stand, whether they’ll appear credible, and even how they’ll stand up under rigorous cross-examination.
Further Reading: Does Your Law Firm’s Mobile Website Make the Grade?
DIY vs. Outsourcing
Because a lot can be riding on the strength of your video deposition, it’s important that it get’s done correctly. The fact that video technology is inexpensive and widely available doesn’t necessarily mean that every lawyer has the skills needed to capture jury-swaying testimony.
Also, individual states have different laws regarding the use of video depositions in trial, so it’s important to know the rules that apply to your jurisdiction.
To ensure that you’re in compliance with existing laws and that your video is of sufficient quality to achieve the desired results, your best bet is to outsource your video depositions to an experienced media services company that is familiar with the law. Think of it as a smart investment, one which can help you win your case.
Contact Law Father For Help Today!
To learn more about the ways that the media experts at Law Father can help you present the best case possible, contact us today. Call (800) 325-7715, or fill out the contact form on our website.
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